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Portable Snowman II

Posted by
Kathe (Marquette, Michigan, United States) on 16 November 2008 in Miscellaneous.

The first portable snowman remained exposed to the elements, thus melted. Then we got a little more snow and created a second portable snowman. But the snow wasn't sticky enough, so this one went through a few reconstructive surgeries before also melting. Now we're getting hit by lake effect snow, and it's not sticky enough for another portable snowman. And, frankly, it's just too plain nasty outside to be wandering around taking photos of three little snowballs piled on top of one another.

NIKON D40 1/1250 second F/4.8 ISO 400 170 mm

beth from United States



22 Nov 2008 7:09pm

@beth: You would've been a wimp too. ;^)

1/1250 second
ISO 400
170 mm
