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Banshee, Race Reporter

Posted by
Kathe (Marquette, Michigan, United States) on 19 February 2010 in Lifestyle & Culture.

...and the mascot for the UP200 Sled Dog Race.

This year's race starts in about 3 minutes, and my camera and I are grounded for at least the rest of the weekend. Actually, my UP200 photographic experience this year was pretty much over before it even started.

As many of you know, I'm STILL recovering from shoulder surgery last July. This winter has been low on snowfall, which means a lot of slippery roads and walkways. I have fallen and hurt my already-hurting shoulder even more at least 4 or 5 times....including today. I was walking down to the downtown area, where the dog teams were lining up for the start of the race. As I was going down one of the steep hills going down that way, I slipped on the icy sidewalk - trying to save my camera AND my shoulder at the same time, doing some pretty funky moves. I managed to save the camera from more damage than just a tiny ding to the massive lens hood on my 70-300mm lens...but my shoulder (and knees) didn't fare too well.

So, no more photos this weekend - and probably more long gaps between posts again. I did manage to suck up the pain long enough to get a FEW shots of the dogs and such (and Banshee here), but none are very good. I will try to post more in the next few days...and HOPE my shoulder is feeling up to another few shots for the end of the race on Sunday.

And now to ice the shoulder, and take something for the intense pain. (Processing the photos was more important than taking care of the pain...heh heh.)

NIKON D40 1/160 second F/5.6 ISO 800 300 mm

Jane from United States

This is funny, Kathe!

22 Feb 2010 5:38am

@Jane: I thought so too. heh heh

1/160 second
ISO 800
300 mm
