000000 | 1F316F | 372318 | 7578A3 | 82C400 | B89150 | FFFEFF | FFFFC5 |
A school bus found tucked into the woods along a dirt road. We were out looking for moose on the Peshekee Grade. We didn't find any moose, but did spot what I believe was a Cooper's hawk, a bunch of duck's (couldn't see what kind...but possibly Teal-winged), Northern Flickers, and a few blue jays. This bus was the only "wildlife" that sat still long enough for me to photograph it.
@Allan Clark: Thanks, Allan.
@Tinx: Thank you, Tinx.
@Tiffany Rantanen: You what that kind of wildlife, Tiffany? ;^)
@Twojays: Thank you, Twojays.