090B0A | 333532 | 3C1906 | 606261 | 87868B | 91663C | BF9660 | FCFCFC |
Seeing these leaves reminded me of the last two lines in this poem I wrote several years ago:
I Am Nature
I am the chickadee's sweet song,
The eagle's awesome flight.
I am the doe's soft eyes,
The yearling's velvety spikes.
I am the well-fed squirrel,
Scurrying through the trees.
I am the loon's haunting call,
The owl's watchful gaze.
I am the cunning red fox,
The wolf's heart-wrenching howl.
I am the thick, verdant moss,
Thriving along the forest trail.
I am the cool, crisp breeze,
The water's clean, fresh scent.
I am the maple's sweet sap,
The birch's paper-white bark.
I am the dry, rustling leaves,
Still clinging to winter's branches.
@B. Thomas: :^)